Beavers, Cubs, Scouts & Rainbows, Brownies, Guides

Fun, friendship and freedom are what Scouts and Guides are about.

At meetings we play games, work for badges and learn skills so we can be confident to enjoy the freedom of the countryside and go exciting places.

We also have sleepovers, camps, rallies and days out.



Cubs (8-10+); Beavers (6-8); Scouts (10-18) meet on Mondays 6.15. These are open to both boys and girls but tend to concentrate on activities that boys particularly like. To apply, please email



1st Twickenham Scouts needs you!
1st Twickenham (All Hallows’) Scout group is looking for a new leader or two. We are a very active group with fabulous termly programmes & a very engaged parent group. The Leaders certainly enjoy their time with the kids & value the contribution they are making to the lives of our young people. 

The children of a new & committed leader will jump the waiting list & immediately be offered places in the group, plus you will enjoy reduced membership fees.

It is particularly in the cubs section where leaders are needed. All sections meet on Mondays at All Hallows’ Church Hall, cubs meet 6.15pm to 7.30pm. 

If you are interested & would like to know more please contact Group Chair Nicola Meadley - - or Group Scout Leader Alison McCormick -


Assistant Leaders are the people who support the Section Leaders to plan and run the weekly programme. The activities can range from arts and crafts to tent pitching - there is a wealth of scout information to support the programme. We are looking for people who can give a few hours most weeks from 6.15 to 7.30pm on Mondays during term time with some additional time for planning.

Sectional Assistants for Beavers and Cubs. These will be new roles for us in 1st Twickenham. These are people who will help out at meetings on a regular basis (perhaps once or twice a month), supporting the leader and assistant leaders in a more structured way than a parent helper.

The Treasurer role is best suited to someone with a financial management / accounting background. They will be expected to manage and monitor the financial activities of the 1st Twickenham Beaver, Cub and Scout group. This would take about 2 -4 hours a month.

We would like to have a Group Secretary – this role would look after the group admin and should take about 2 – 4 hours a month.

Volunteering with scouting is hugely rewarding. All the roles here are supported by the Scouts infrastructure and the 1st Twickenham (All Hallows) Scouts Leadership team. You don’t need any experience of scouting and you definitely don’t need to be the Bear Grylls type. So please give them some consideration. Many thanks.

If you or someone you know would be interested or would like more details on any of these volunteering opportunities please speak to your section leader (Paul or Graeme) or contact either of us at the email addresses below.

Nicola Meadley

07768 878377 or

Chair of the Executive Committee

Alison McCormick

07770 331350 or

Group Scout Leader


Rainbows (5-7) Brownies (7-10) and Guides (10+) meet on Thursdays - Brownies are at 5.45pm and Guides are at 7.15pm.  These are for girls only. 


Rainbows is a new venture at All Hallows in 2018. 


If you have a child who is interested in joining any of the groups, please go to this link: